March 23-26, 2025

ENAR Code of Conduct Policy

August 26, 2024

2024 Executive Committee
Renee' Moore, President
Paul Albert, President-Elect
Leslie McClure, Past President
Alisa J. Stephens-Shields, Secretary (2025-2026)
Qi Long, Treasurer (2024-2025)
Ana Ortega-Villa, IDEA Chair (2024)

ENAR Staff
Melissa Pomerene, Executive Director
Laura Stapleton, Administrative and Membership Manager
Caitlyn Nichols, Program Specialist
Andrea Martin, Program Coordinator

For a full listing of Officers, Committees and Representative, click here

As an organization of professionals at all stages of their careers, ENAR is committed to promoting a culture of inclusion and civil discourse in an environment of mutual trust and respect, where ideas may be exchanged openly and freely. ENAR has adopted a Code of Conduct Policy intended to guide all attendees at all ENAR activities, including ENAR's annual Spring Meeting, WebENARS, and other ENAR-sponsored events, forums, social media posts, and other communications and activities. This policy applies to all participants of these events including, but not limited to, conference attendees, guests, staff, contractors, vendors, exhibitors, and participants in scientific sessions, workshops, tutorials, roundtables, short courses, tours, and other social events offered in conjunction with the ENAR Spring Meeting and other ENAR- sponsored activities. Attendees of ENAR-sponsored activities should expect and experience a welcoming professional atmosphere that is free of discrimination, harassment and retaliation of any kind, for any reason. All ENAR members and event registrants must agree to comply fully and freely with this Code of Conduct Policy.

Inappropriate, non-consensual, unprofessional, or threatening behavior will not be tolerated, whether in person or in virtual spaces This includes threatening physical or verbal interactions, verbal abuse, deliberate intimidation, stalking, sexual images in public spaces, unauthorized or inappropriate photography or recording, inappropriate or non-consensual physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, or verbal harassment. Verbal harassment includes, but is not limited to, comments relating to a person or a group's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, or other protected statuses — essentially anything negative directed at other participant(s) that is outside the scope of the intended content of the meeting.

During ENAR's annual Spring Meeting, audience members at meeting sessions are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner. The Chair of each session will lead the question-and-answer period, which typically is held at the end of the talk. Disrespectful behavior such as interrupting the session Chair or speakers will not be tolerated. Disrespectful behavior will be considered a violation of this Code of Conduct policy, and any violators may be asked to leave a session.

Actions in violation of the Code of Conduct, but occurring elsewhere for instance, at an individual's place of employment or at other professional meetings, may also be subject to sanctions. Reports of such violations will be reported to

Failure to comply with the ENAR code of conduct policy may include but are not limited to:

  1. Temporary suspension of the privilege of attending future ENAR events or activities
  2. Termination of the privilege of attending future ENAR events and activities
  3. Suspension or termination of membership in ENAR.

Each of these may be time-limited or could be indefinite.

Affirmation of Conduct Policy

ENAR members, event registrants, and attendees will be required to acknowledge the above conduct policy upon joining the society, renewing membership annually, and registering to attend ENAR-sponsored events. This process will require confirmation of knowledge of this Conduct Policy and of recognition that each participant will be held to it.

What to Do If You Have a Complaint

ENAR prioritizes ensuring a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment. To ensure that this is true for all participants during all ENAR-sponsored activities, ENAR provides the following ways to raise conduct concerns or complaints:

Filing a complaint may be done by:

  1. Email:
  2. Phone: 703-234-4085
  3. Online using this link:

ENAR encourages making a complaint promptly upon experiencing behavior covered by this policy but understands that is not always possible. As such, complaints can be filed by the recipient(s) and/or witness(es) of the incident up to a year, and preferably within 6 months, after an incident that is thought to violate this Policy A complaint should include the following information.

  1. name of the accused(s) and contact information and role in the event, if known
  2. if the conduct concern is of a type that involves a target, the name of the identified target and contact information, if known;
  3. name and contact information of the person raising the concern and how the person became aware of the concern;
  4. names of any witnesses or others with pertinent information, and contact information, if known;
  5. description of the conduct concerned, with the date, approximate time, location/setting/activity, and all known relevant facts and circumstances.

The Executive Director and the ENAR Executive Committee will review the complaint to confirm that the contents of the complaint are sufficient to permit a full and fair investigation. The ENAR Executive Director will present the concern to the ENAR Executive Committee and will open a file on the reported concern. Members of the ENAR Executive Committee will remain blinded to names during the investigation. If multiple concerns are raised concerning the same individual or if a given concern outlines severe misbehavior, ENAR reserves the right to itself file a formal complaint against the individual and follow the investigative and due process outlined below associated with the complaint.

ENAR Complaint Investigation and Due Process

All complaints made will be brought to the attention of the ENAR Executive Committee by the Executive Director. The Executive Committee and ENAR Executive Director will confer to ensure that the complaint sets forth claims that fall within the scope of the Code of Conduct Policy. If a determination is made that the conduct alleged falls within the policy, the complaint will be referred to a three (3) person Conduct Complaint Panel appointed by the ENAR President in consultation with the Executive Committee, with consideration given to ensure that those appointed do not have conflicts of interest with any parties involved. The complaint and any supporting documentation submitted with the complaint will be forwarded to the Panel. The members of the Panel may engage in separate conversations with the participant(s) targeted by the behavior, the accused, the person raising the concern, or other attendees who were present during the incident in question to learn their perspectives and gather any relevant facts about the situation. Both the accused and the person alleging the violation may submit their respective positions in writing to the Panel, which may be shared with the Executive Committee as part of the Panel's findings. The Executive Committee reserves the right to retain an independent entity to investigate the matter further and/or legal counsel, should it deem appropriate. With all information in hand, the Panel will confer and make a determination as to whether a violation of the Code of Conduct Policy has occurred and report such finding in writing to the Executive Committee. Note, if multiple complaints are raised about the same incident, they will all be considered within the incident investigation.

If no violation has been found, the Executive Committee will notify the parties in writing through the Executive Director and the matter will be deemed closed. If the Executive Committee confirms a finding of the Panel that a violation of the Policy has occurred, it will, within its reasonable discretion, determine the nature and extent of any consequences for the violation. Such consequences may include but not be limited to, 1) temporary suspension of the privilege of attending future ENAR events or activities, 2) termination of the privilege of attending future ENAR events and activities, 3) suspension or termination of membership in ENAR. Each of these may be time-limited or could be indefinite.

In the event the Executive Committee confirms the Panel's findings and issues sanctions directed to the party against whom the complaint was directed, such individual shall have an opportunity to appeal the finding to a three (3) person Appeal Board made up of ENAR members, appointed by the ENAR President. Ordinarily these members will be elected members of the ENAR Regional Committee (RECOM), members formerly holding elected ENAR office, members of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility committee, or other active ENAR members. Such request for appeal must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director along with any supporting documentation relevant to the appeal within 30 days of the date of the Executive Committee's written finding. The Appeal Board shall consider the appeal at a special meeting called for the purpose of hearing the appeal. Only the written submission will be considered in the appeal. The Board will deliberate and render its finding, which decision shall be final and binding on the parties.

Findings of the Complaint Panel, the ENAR Executive Committee, and the Appeal Board will not be disclosed to parties outside of those involved directly in the complaint/concern heard.


The contents of this Policy are subject to change at the discretion of the ENAR Executive Committee.

Updated August 26, 2024