Biometrics — Full Online Access for IBS Members
Visit the International Biometric Society web site at for online access to Biometrics. All current regular, student, honorary, institutional and corporate members of IBS are entitled to full access as a membership benefit.
- Biometrics
Biometrics is published quarterly. Its general objects are to promote and extend the use of mathematical and statistical methods in various subject-matter disciplines, by describing and exemplifying developments in these methods and their application in a form readily assimilable by experimenters and those concerned primarily with analysis of data. The journal is a ready medium for publication of papers by both the experimentalist and the statistician. The papers in the journal include statistical, authoritative expository or review articles, and analytical or methodological papers contributing to the planning or analysis of experiments and surveys, or the interpretation of data. Many of the papers in Biometrics contain worked examples of the statistical analyses proposed.
- Biometric Bulletin
The International Biometric Society also publishes an informal newsletter containing news about membership activities, letters to the editor, and membership and editorial commentaries. It is a means for expressing ideas on a wide range of statistical and biometrical matters and is also published quarterly.
The Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (JABES) is published jointly by the American Statistical Association and the International Biometric Society. The purpose of JABES is to contribute to the development and use of statistical methods in the agricultural sciences, the biological sciences including biotechnology, and the environmental sciences including sciences dealing with natural resources. Published articles are expected to be of immediate and practical value to applied researchers and statistical consultants in these fields. Only papers addressing applied statistical problems are considered. Interdisciplinary papers as well as papers which illustrate the application of new and/or important statistical methods using real data are strongly encouraged. Expository, review and survey articles addressing broad-based statistical issues are particularly valuable.