March 27-30, 2022

2022 Career Placement Center | Employers


Hours of Operation

Sunday, March 27 – 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Monday, March 28 – 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday, March 29 – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

The ENAR 2022 Career Placement Center helps match applicants seeking employment with employers. Each year numerous qualified applicants, many approaching graduation, look to the ENAR Career Placement Center to begin or further their careers. Organizations including government agencies, academic institutions, and private pharmaceutical firms all utilize the ENAR Career Placement Center. To register for the Career Placement Center, click here.

Included Services

Registration Deadlines and Fees

All Employers must complete the online Employer registration located here.

Employer Registration Fees By Feb. 15 After Feb. 15
Employer: 3 reps/4 job postings $1,750 $1,825
Additional Representatives $520/rep $620/rep
Additional Job Postings $150/posting $200/posting
Private Interview Rooms (Call the office to check availability.) $275/4 hour increment